Sunday, July 31, 2011

Back to Mama

Now that most of the bigger pups are adopted, Alana and I decided that we shall put back the smaller pups to their mum as nothing beat mother's milk.

The smallest pup was put near Mama 1

Mama 1 at first was not too friendly with her pup and growled at her.
Mylo too was put near his mama, White White.
but White White was not friendly also.
Well I guess its a mum's way of disciplining their puppies not to disturb while they
are having their meal.
After her food, Mama1 came in to feed her pups.
To my surprise Mama1 seems to know that the 2 smallest pup could not reach to be nursed. She finally sat down and adjusted herself so that they can drink with ease.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

All Grown Up

I have been pretty worried about them since Tobby was abandoned.
I met Charlie Mohawk. He is well taken care of but I wish he was in a better home.

His companion is an alpha so he gets bullied when food is concerned.
His master is too busy to attend to him daily but the maid loves him.

Tobby is a very happy dog.

This is where he sleeps initially when he came over to this area.

Now he gets to sleep inside the house sometimes.

He will run all over the flats area and come back according to the family
who adores him.
He gets to sleep in the house at times and gets his weekly bath too.
Haiz...will it be a good idea to let them adopt him?


Another went home with Peggy from Alana's House.
Hmm...will have to go house inspection soon to ensure that new owner knows how to handle young pup.


Sugen coincidently stays in my garden and when she says she wanted females puppies only, I was quite pleased. She was smittened by this noisy girl.

This little girl came forward and touched her, Sugen could not say No to her and
took her home too.
Another one that she could not forget was Butter.
Butter was barking at her but refused to come out from her hideout.

After waiting for a while, Butter gets to go home with her 2 other siblings too.
Well hope all will turn well.

9 more puppies to go.

Friday, July 29, 2011


1 went home and 12 more to go.

Butter was brought home as Louie wanted to view a pup to adopt.
Well obviously Butter was frightened to be in a new environment and was very inactive.
This normally does not attract potential adopter and this is why fosterer
plays a major role in rehabilitation of a rescue
before been adopted.
Anyway the lucky one that went home with Louie is named Zorro despite been a female.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What A Relief!

I am so glad no more went missing last night.
8 actually came out to play and eat
but the sad thing is they were wet due to the rain last evening.
Haiz... what can I do?
I can't bring them all home.
I just hope I will be able to find them GOOD HOMES soon.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Gone Home - the 2nd One

Well what can I say?
Just hope this little fellow will have a good life with Grace.
There is always a risk in rehoming but its a risk we rescuers have to take
and wish for the best.
May you live happily and be loved forever little one.

Friday, July 22, 2011


These 3 little cuties has been taken back by Alana to be fostered. I seek her help to foster Mylo as I will be unable to give little Mylo the attention he needs for the next few days.
I took Alana to see his other siblings.
When she saw the disparity of the 17puppies sizes, she is quite worried that the smaller ones will not be able to have enough milk.
So 2 more get to home with her .


Current Liter's Teddy

Previous Liter's Toby

Its amazing how these two look alike. Hopefully they will go to good homes soon.
Toby may be unlucky the first time but its God's will that we meet again and I truly hope he will find someone who will love him as he is.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


The First one to be adopted! 17 more to go!

I normally will not rehome them at this young age but having 17 more homes to find, it will certainly take a long process and time. I could be desperate but knowing where this little fellow is going to I am assured that it will be a good home.
Prem has been an animal lover for a very long time and she has assured me that her whole family are animals lover.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mylo - DOB 3rd July 2011

Small Mylo has been sleeping all the time and will wail very loud when he has done his business or hungry.
Poor boy has a maggot wound on his thigh. His wound could have been caused by the thorns of the bushes where he and his 6 other siblings are staying.
The picture of the wound is not as gross as in real life.
This is the 3rd maggot. I had to pull this out! Yuks! When did I become so brave????

Happy Moment

Ha,Ha,Ha....Haven't seen them so happy before.
I believe nobody actually has paid so much attention to them.

They seems to be waiting for something and feeling happy about it.

Yummies! Aunty April, Vivienne and Annie came to give them some goodies which they have never tasted before!
Thank You Aunties!

Monday, July 18, 2011

OH Dear!

The hiding place for White White and her puppies were cleared this morning when I went to feed them! I panicked not knowing what to do next. Nobody seems to be able to help me and give me any solution. Haiz.....I know when it comes to your own rescue its very difficult to get help. You somehow or other have to do it yourself.
The pillars were shifted to the left.

All the puppies were taken out from under the concrete pillars and placed
under some bushes beside it. I quickly went back to get a cage to put all the puppies across
the road where there is a mini jungle and where Mama 1 also gave birth.
With the help of Mrs Tan, we got back to the site and found that 3 out of 7 puppies
were missing!
Oh dear who could have taken them. I checked with the workers around
but none say that anybody has taken .
What can we do even if they have taken them.
Mrs Tan took out one of the puppies and she found that his thigh was injured.
This little puppy has cut on his thigh and the wound was smelly and
obviously needs medical attention.

Mrs Tan A ndI set up a cage to put all the puppies inside across the road.
Hopefully White White will come in to nurse her puppies while we bring the injured pup
named Mylo for medical attention.
Poor White White must be very worried seeing us carrying her pups.

I tried to lure her to the cage where her pups are by bringing
one to show her then decided to leave the pup on the ground.
She approached and took her pup away.
Hopefully she saw where I took the pup from.
Carrying the pup in her mouth, she ran away deeper in the mini jungle.
When I came back to check in the evening I realised that she has not
touched the pups in the cage.
I had to put the balance of the 3 pups to her new secret
hiding place.(next to Mama1)

We took Mylo to Dr Ben for some medication.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Junie has Gone Home!

I am really glad that this little girl has finally gone home.
She has been with me for slightly more than a month and its good that she has a permanent home now.
According to papa Leong she did whine for the first night.
She wants to play with the other 8year old furry friend at home but was ignored.
Hopefully everything will settled down soon for her and her new family members.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Puppies Again

Yes, puppies,puppies and puppies again.
If they do not come out until they are ready for adoption, I be happy.

White white protecting her puppies.

Mama 1 has given birth over the other side of the road.
They have given birth very near the busy road.
Just pray they be allright until they go back to a proper home.
Mama 1 will cross over to see what I fed White White

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Homeless and Breeding

Well this is mama 1 's third pregnancy since our path crossed. How can I save her from breeding again??? I do not wish to rehome her puppies again after this birth. :((

White white has delivered too :((. Mama1 must be happy to see Alpa after her black companion is missing.

White White gobbled up the food cautiously. She is wary of me and afraid that mama 1 will attack her.

With a little bit more confidence she came forward to eat the additional rice and water I poured for her as I shooed the rest from trying to snatch away her food.

I heard puppies crying under this pile of concrete poles. I believed White White must be hiding under here. I hope that the workers will not make use of these so soon.
Homeless animals do have sad tales , their life is so unpredictable. They never know what will happen to them the next day. When will sufferings end???