Monday, July 18, 2011

OH Dear!

The hiding place for White White and her puppies were cleared this morning when I went to feed them! I panicked not knowing what to do next. Nobody seems to be able to help me and give me any solution. Haiz.....I know when it comes to your own rescue its very difficult to get help. You somehow or other have to do it yourself.
The pillars were shifted to the left.

All the puppies were taken out from under the concrete pillars and placed
under some bushes beside it. I quickly went back to get a cage to put all the puppies across
the road where there is a mini jungle and where Mama 1 also gave birth.
With the help of Mrs Tan, we got back to the site and found that 3 out of 7 puppies
were missing!
Oh dear who could have taken them. I checked with the workers around
but none say that anybody has taken .
What can we do even if they have taken them.
Mrs Tan took out one of the puppies and she found that his thigh was injured.
This little puppy has cut on his thigh and the wound was smelly and
obviously needs medical attention.

Mrs Tan A ndI set up a cage to put all the puppies inside across the road.
Hopefully White White will come in to nurse her puppies while we bring the injured pup
named Mylo for medical attention.
Poor White White must be very worried seeing us carrying her pups.

I tried to lure her to the cage where her pups are by bringing
one to show her then decided to leave the pup on the ground.
She approached and took her pup away.
Hopefully she saw where I took the pup from.
Carrying the pup in her mouth, she ran away deeper in the mini jungle.
When I came back to check in the evening I realised that she has not
touched the pups in the cage.
I had to put the balance of the 3 pups to her new secret
hiding place.(next to Mama1)

We took Mylo to Dr Ben for some medication.

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