Sunday, July 3, 2011

Homeless and Breeding

Well this is mama 1 's third pregnancy since our path crossed. How can I save her from breeding again??? I do not wish to rehome her puppies again after this birth. :((

White white has delivered too :((. Mama1 must be happy to see Alpa after her black companion is missing.

White White gobbled up the food cautiously. She is wary of me and afraid that mama 1 will attack her.

With a little bit more confidence she came forward to eat the additional rice and water I poured for her as I shooed the rest from trying to snatch away her food.

I heard puppies crying under this pile of concrete poles. I believed White White must be hiding under here. I hope that the workers will not make use of these so soon.
Homeless animals do have sad tales , their life is so unpredictable. They never know what will happen to them the next day. When will sufferings end???

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