Thursday, August 18, 2011


Finally after a month since our path crossed,the Authority has come in.
I still have not found any good owner for him :((
I have no choice but to send him for neutering first to buy some time.

When I arrived that morning, I went looking for him and found him sitting
next to a car parked opposite the flats.
I believed he was happy to see me as I guess to have someone looking
for him gives him the sense of being wanted.
He happily ran over and to Li Shian as she normally feeds him yummies daily.

He dashed over to Li Shian.

We tried to coax him into the cage but being so big we realised we can't do it and
had to seek Diana's brother to help us to carry him in the cage.

In the vet we met skinny Charlie who is to be put to sleep as requested by owner.
We were glad that Dr Goh decided to keep him...Phew!

Tobby trotted hapily in the vet not knowing what he is there for.

Hmmm.. what a tall boy. 54cm and weighs 21.1kg!

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