Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mylo's updates

Mylo is back with his siblings.
The wound was getting bigger after 2 days fostering as little Mylo cannot lie still and will crawl all over in the cage. His thigh became swollen filled with pus.

Dr Lee has to remove the pus by pricking a hole in the thigh. Poor boy was wailing . A piece of gauze shown by the arrows were inserted inside the hole to dry the pus.

After 10days of fostering by Alana, little Mylo's wound has healed completely.
He is then put back to be with his mum so he is able to be nursed by his mum.
Nothing beats mother's milk.
Mylo is very happy to be with his siblings but sad to say this is not a
safe place for them when they grow bigger.

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