Saturday, September 24, 2011

Visiting Tobby- 3rd time in Kajang

Tobby as usual clueless as to why he is brought here and caged up.
He loves bein taken out of the cage obviously going for his walk.
Its really not easy to handle him, he is so strong.

Tobby will sit down and give you the sweetest smile each time you
take his picture.
After 1/2hour of walking is back to his cage as he can be very destructive
if let loose.
Haiz..... just hope you find a home soon...

Junie Adopted -18th Sept 2011

After a week with me Junie finally have gone home.
If it is not for the Adoption Drive ,
I believe that it will take a long time for her to find home.

This family finally adopted her at the end of the adoption drive
while everyone was packing to go home.
I truly hope that they will be patient with her and teach her
properly as she is young and needs guidance.

Busy body Junie looking at Jovy with Mr Qwing
parading MDDB's snuggle blanket.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Junie is Back!

Junie is back.
It looks like the adopter has given up on her.
Poor girl.Humans are so discriminating.
Do I need to curse them for their uncaring nature just because she is not picture perfect?
Innocent Junie was thrown inside my house gate! Luckily she was leashed. She was screaming and jumping back out of the gate chasing the adopter's car when he drove off! Real idiot to threat this poor dog like that.
Even how naughty she is , he could have returned her in a proper way.
He had called to say he wanted me to board her at my house for a few days but I
knew its just a pack of lies when he could dumped her at my place in this manner.
Anyway, Junie is innocent I will try to rehome her.....sigh,sigh... and hopefully train her
to be more discipline.

Junie has a whale of time playing with Lizzy.

Lizzy is no loser. Their play fight created a lot of noise
at home. Its just too noisy. Luckily I have asked Olive to bring
Lizzy home. I cannot handle too many dogs at home!
They are truly noisy.

Monday, September 5, 2011

2 went Home

Finally Mylo went home with Kenny of SS15.
Kenny is a first time dog owner.

Mork went home too.
Mork's eyes looks like little Shahsi.
Little Shahsi is a small dog lover .

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Missions Failed!

She was the first Linda and I saw.
We left a little bit of food spiked with sleeping pills under the platform.
So took it but when the laundry man came to dry their washing,
she ran further and further in..... and vanished in the jungle!

Then mama came out, thinking she was the easiest to catch
we had to stay with her for the drug to take effect and not
wanting her to disappeared in the jungle like White white.
We sat with her patiently.
Each time she wanted to leave we will lure her back with food.
After 3hours and seeing that she was drowsy, we decided to take action.
Shit! she ran away and finally ran into the mini jungle too!
On the way back, Linda was quite worried whether the drugs did harm them.
She decided to check on them and saw White white at the open field
and flopped down under the cloth hanging railing.
I came with hope that I am able to catch her.
Again, we waited and waited.....each time she flopped down ,
I approached her.
She moved further and further and diasppeared....!