Saturday, September 24, 2011

Visiting Tobby- 3rd time in Kajang

Tobby as usual clueless as to why he is brought here and caged up.
He loves bein taken out of the cage obviously going for his walk.
Its really not easy to handle him, he is so strong.

Tobby will sit down and give you the sweetest smile each time you
take his picture.
After 1/2hour of walking is back to his cage as he can be very destructive
if let loose.
Haiz..... just hope you find a home soon...

Junie Adopted -18th Sept 2011

After a week with me Junie finally have gone home.
If it is not for the Adoption Drive ,
I believe that it will take a long time for her to find home.

This family finally adopted her at the end of the adoption drive
while everyone was packing to go home.
I truly hope that they will be patient with her and teach her
properly as she is young and needs guidance.

Busy body Junie looking at Jovy with Mr Qwing
parading MDDB's snuggle blanket.

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