Thursday, April 28, 2011

New Rescued by Gooi

Gooi who adopted one of my puppy( Bindi's black long haired pup) was disturbed when he heard that there are some puppies in Puchong Perdana. This area too has some dog eating residents around.He had called me for guidance on what he is suppose to do. I could only encourage him to rescue them if he is able to by fostering them at home while I will help him to look for adopters.

I must admit he has a good start as 3 male puppies were snapped up in 2days! He then brought Scrabby home and was adopted in 3days!
Frightened Scrabby caught on the first day.

This naught girl was then caught next.She is just as lucky as she was adopted together with her timid brother 3days later.
They were adopted by the Chongs.

This noisy girl was adopted on the 12.4.11 but as Alana found that the living condition was not very favorable, she was taken back and finally adopted on 28.o4.11 by Mr Mahindran

Now we still have this gentle lady and I hope she will find a home soon.
Gooi too is very disturbed as he said that there are still 2 more male puppies at the site. One was returned by the site supervisor who adopted him after 3days.He hopes that after this Manja looking pup is adopted he can bring the 2 male pup home soon. I too want him to bring them home soon.

2 waiting to be taken back from site......... before they end up in the cooking pot.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pixie Rehomed

Finally Pixie get to go home!
Its not that I do not like her, but it will be good that someone can give her the long term attention and love which I am unable too. Its sad to part with her after 2 1/2months with me.Just as she started to trust me and became good friends with my own pets, she has to go. I will miss her, so will Chloe whom she loves to play with
The happy trio playing together inspite of different sizes.4kg,8kg and 14kg!

Back Then she was afraid of me but food played her Out! She can't resist food.

Sending her to her new Home
Jessica bringing her for a walk around her new home.
Ah Hah! Her new companion.
Shadow is very excited to see Pixie.
No Shadow, Stay still.Pixie is scare of you

Sniffing again.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

This is Bruno, the injured pup of Bibi.
After Bibi left, Bruno was still in the vet to treat his injured paw that was caused by injury inflicted on him according to someone who highlighted to us.

Its been 2months and his paw did not heal BUT got worst! We were so ignorant to think that the vet will take good care of him and will heal fast.

Poor Bruno must be very bored in the cage for so long has been biting and licking his wound. His paw got worse and is now infected. He has gone for an X-ray and hopefully the result is favourable.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lost Dog Mission

To some people, a lost dog is no big deal. To us, we can feel how frightened she can be in an unfamiliar surrounding. Haiz... we only came to know that she was missing 3 weeks later!
I regretted not going to see the dog that what put on alert on Light FM 2weeks ago, a brown dog trying to cross the road at Amcorp Mall. It could have been Bibi. I have not met her I would not know where to put her if I responded to the SMS that was circulated.

Upon seeing the abandoned lonely house where she was kept, the frightened and
lonely feelings creep me. How do you expect a human friendly dog to stay in such a place?
The maid who stays opposite this house told us Bibi will run in and out of the house and even once she sat outside her house , crying and whining. It is a sad picture painted in me.

Off we go to carry out our search..............

I am glad that Lotus Restaurant's owner allows us to paste our flyers on their shop's window.May their business flourish in years to come.
April has been going there for 2 consequtive nights looking around the place where Bibi
was missing.

We are glad that the owner of the shops there allowed us to put more posters around too.

Even the owner of the Satellite Restaurant's allowed us to paste our flyers.

3 fat looking stray dogs here. They are obviously well fed and hopefully no one will complain about their presence.

We looked around the area but nothing could be seen and found.

No where to be seen.

But we saw 3 dogs enjoying themselves at Taman Jaya Park. A joggers that we approached told us these 3 were regular but he claimed that there was 1 light brown one which he saw 2 weeks ago. (Hopefully wherever she maybe is safe now)

Our search will definitely continues. We will not give up since we could not find her in PAWS.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Amusing Antics

Align Center

Bindi allowed me to touch her the evening after I failed to catch her but not now after too many attempts.

Lately I have not been feeding her on schedule.When I intend to catch her the next morning I will not feed her the evening before. Hopefully starvation will make my task easier but it did not work. I gave up and decided to feed her as usual again.

To my surprise, she is not taking my food on the spot, maybe she is afraid that I will catch her again if she bends down to chomp her food. I decided to pack the food up and gave to her for her to bring to wherever she feels comfortable to enjoy. The pack disappeared and she was busy using her snout to cover a hole.

Hmm ... what has she done to it? I was wondering to myself. I gave her a piece of
chicken, she took it and next she was doing the same thing again.

Let me give her another pack and watch her closely.Yes! She hid it in the holes and using her snout to hid it with grasses and twigs around!
Its really amusing seeing her doing that. She is either keeping it till she is hungry or for her son Middie.

Haiz.....when can I help her????

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Serial(Serious) Marker

Ah Hah! Go for blood test first to see whether this middle age dog is strong enough to go through this surgery.

Clueless Leo enjoying the car ride.
Feeling happy pacing up and

down on the examination table.
Dr Nancy taking him in.
Time to take him home
E Collar? Arrhh...better not...I think he fare better without it
The first thing he did after surgery.
That's him alright.


OK, shoot.....
Sniff, sniff again.

and....shoot again....
Old habits die hard.

Then why was he castrated at the age of 6 1/2 years old?

HEALTH is the reason.

Reduce the risk of Testicular tumors and prostastic disease.