Friday, April 8, 2011


This girl is so friendly to me but when I try to catch her, she refused to be carried!
I failed on the first day, today I try again.
After so much of struggling with her, she jumped into the passenger seat!
HURRAY ! I told myself. I did it!
I started the engine, wind down the window slightly and went in to fetch Middie who is due for his 2nd vaccination.

The minute I secure Middie in the back cage, Bindi jumped out from the car window!!!
Shit! Shit! Shit! I was cursing to myself.
All my hard work under the hot sun, ALL GONE !!
I have tried to help so many stray mamas,I have never succeeded.
The one whom I can help initially was put to sleep!
I am so frustrated and want to give up BUT I CAN'T !
I know I will not be happy if I do not get anyone spayed!
I must still do it even though it could be after her next litter.
I just pray hard that I will succeed.

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