Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lost Dog Mission

To some people, a lost dog is no big deal. To us, we can feel how frightened she can be in an unfamiliar surrounding. Haiz... we only came to know that she was missing 3 weeks later!
I regretted not going to see the dog that what put on alert on Light FM 2weeks ago, a brown dog trying to cross the road at Amcorp Mall. It could have been Bibi. I have not met her I would not know where to put her if I responded to the SMS that was circulated.

Upon seeing the abandoned lonely house where she was kept, the frightened and
lonely feelings creep me. How do you expect a human friendly dog to stay in such a place?
The maid who stays opposite this house told us Bibi will run in and out of the house and even once she sat outside her house , crying and whining. It is a sad picture painted in me.

Off we go to carry out our search..............

I am glad that Lotus Restaurant's owner allows us to paste our flyers on their shop's window.May their business flourish in years to come.
April has been going there for 2 consequtive nights looking around the place where Bibi
was missing.

We are glad that the owner of the shops there allowed us to put more posters around too.

Even the owner of the Satellite Restaurant's allowed us to paste our flyers.

3 fat looking stray dogs here. They are obviously well fed and hopefully no one will complain about their presence.

We looked around the area but nothing could be seen and found.

No where to be seen.

But we saw 3 dogs enjoying themselves at Taman Jaya Park. A joggers that we approached told us these 3 were regular but he claimed that there was 1 light brown one which he saw 2 weeks ago. (Hopefully wherever she maybe is safe now)

Our search will definitely continues. We will not give up since we could not find her in PAWS.

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