Wednesday, May 18, 2011

An Unexpected Rescue

These 2 little kitten were orphaned due to the uncaring 2 legged beings called Humans. They were found in one of the classroom on the 2nd floor of a Kindy school. Mummy cat was hissing the 2 leggeds when she saw them entering the classroom.Sadly but true the safety,health and well beings of the 2 leggeds will never be compromised when there is a threat.
Unable to approach the protective mummy cat the pest controller personnel was called. Poor mummy cat who must have thought this corner of the classroom is safe for her to nurse her kittens ran upon seeing the personnel. Poor kittens are now left behind.

Sigh,sigh... only compassionate Teacher Doris could feel for this family and has taken these 2 kittens home to nurse them.
I believe and hope her rescue will not stop here.
Keep up the good work Teacher Doris and her assistant (daughter) Kathleen!
Happy Feeding!

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