Saturday, May 28, 2011


Is She?

Is She Not?

It does not matter.

Bibi or Ah Wong , we will still rescue her out from the PAWS shelter.

Linda stumbled upon a Lost dog, Ah Wong, posted in After comparing the photos we have of Bibi and Ah Wong we could not deny the similarities.

Ah Wong was sent to PAWS by 2 condo residents when they were given ultimatum to remove Ah Wong from the condo premises before the Management call the Council to catch her. We believed it must be fate that brought us together. All of us have not met Ah Wong except for April who had a brief encounter with Bibi at the vet. and yet we are not giving up on her when the condo resident changed her heart to give us Ah Wong.

Our path was not smooth sailing to claim her. Edward who spent the most time with Bibi, said it was not her when he went to identify. We at home and in the office were busy comparing photos of the 2 of them .Every nitty critty spot of her photos were scrutinized and compared.Even with the negative feedback from Edward , we decided to claim her too.It must be something more to that that makes us want to give her a better life.

The workers in PAWS did not make our life easy too when we rushed there early Friday morning beating the early morning traffic and rain hoping that we are able to take her out before the person who surrenders her put a stop to our adoption. Disappointed, we left the place after 2 hours waiting for the shelter to open and talking to the worker who refused to let us adopt Ah Wong as he claimed that the person who surrendered her will take her back on Saturday afternoon.

Ah Wong among the rest in the shelter.

Okay if that is what he wanted, we will follow to play a fair game. That is if the person who surrendered Ah Wong do not turn up on Saturday afternoon, we can adopt Ah Wong without any obstacle.

Saturday was our Day despite some hick up due to the heavy traffic on the way.We managed to rehomed a puppy from Wendy’s rescue before speeding to PAWS. We were just 6minutes late after they closed.

Ah Wong leaving PAWS.

Off she goes into the car!

With Ah Wong renamed Money, we headed to Kepong where Edmund agreed to foster her. Edmund’s dad too like dogs .Looking at the surrounding, we were quite pleased with the way he handled Money and deep down in us, we hope he will eventually adopt her!

Lets pray that things will work out fine and will set into its place nicely……and happily…..

Edmund with Money

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