Friday, May 27, 2011

I Tried....

After days and weeks of delaying in discharging Bindi from the vet, Bindi finally has to go somewhere. The delay was partly due to the fact that I was hoping to find a fosterer for her. Someone who can rehabilitate her before she can be rehomed. I was so glad that Kay managed to find Edmund for me. Feeling happy I discharged Bindi brought her from Puchong to Kepong single handedly( I am surprised myself, that I am able to do that all by myself and being unfamiliar with Kepong town!)

After I settled worried Bindi, I left. Just as I was about to drive off Kepong town, Edmund called me. Oh Boy, Bindi escaped! Luckily due to fear, she ran inside the house instead of outside! Well there is really no other alternative now but to put her back to where she is from. My only consolation is she will not escape from Edmund's house and there be no another case of escape Bibi. I too do not have to feel obligated to fosterer for taking care for me and Bindi will obviously be happy too

Happily she jumped out of the car.
She stretches herself after a very stressful day travelling from Puchong to Kepong and back to Old Klang Road, her home!

She then ran back to find her son.
Looking at me from inside.
She was happily playing with her son when I visited her the next day.

Sometimes I will find her at the abandoned house waiting for me.

I suppose I am practising TNRM that is been encouraged by animal activist. Trap, Neuter, Release and Manage :))

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