Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cats Too!

A simple half day trip home too will end up encountering with helpless animals.....
haiz...when will this stop?
I hate to interfere with people's "pets" but their way of treating them is just not right.
To them Animals are animals. Its so difficult to change their mind.
My final draw to save them is when they told me that they will
throw the kittens in the market one of this day!
Shit ! My hands are already full and I am no cat person!
Luckily with Vivienne and Ruth support I am brave enough to say I will take them home.
I know I will try not to trouble anyone but their willingness to support me gives me the gut to help. I am able to think rationally on how to go about saving them.
Bravely, I told my father-in-law that I will take them home with their mum knowing that with their mum around, life would be much easier for me.
Isnt this a beauty?

Without hesitating he took out his cage and put the three kittens in.
He then try to lure the mum in the cage.After half and hour, mission still failed.
Not wanting to pressure him, I decided to tell him to keep the kittens for me and I will take them in 2 weeks time when they are bigger and by then I hope that I will be able
to catch the mummy cat back to be spayed too.
Just pray and hope that everything will fall into its place soon......
Vivienne thinks mama cat is pregnant again......... :((

Monday, October 3, 2011

Visiting Pixie

She crawled out from under the car when i called her.
She could not remember me I suspect :((
Well at least I know she is taken care off.
I could not ask for anything more as long as she has a
HOME to call her own and is not abused.

Momo Found

While driving this morning I received a call from Jane, Eunice's mum.
Eunice adopted Junie's sibling during the Petsworld Exhibition in Mid Valley.
My goodness, I was actually afraid to take her call. I am afraid that she has
bad news for me.After talking to her I realise that she actually has found a dog and
has been keeping her for 2 weeks.
Now she wants me to help to get her adopted.
Phew! I was afraid that she wanted to return the pup she adopted!
After looking at the dog she rescued and named Momo, I am relief
to say that this dog will definitely find a home soon.
Its human nature thatpredigree do get better chances of
finding a home especially she is a small dog.

Momo is actually very scare.
She was shivering. Poor girl she must be a lost dog.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Visiting Tobby- 3rd time in Kajang

Tobby as usual clueless as to why he is brought here and caged up.
He loves bein taken out of the cage obviously going for his walk.
Its really not easy to handle him, he is so strong.

Tobby will sit down and give you the sweetest smile each time you
take his picture.
After 1/2hour of walking is back to his cage as he can be very destructive
if let loose.
Haiz..... just hope you find a home soon...

Junie Adopted -18th Sept 2011

After a week with me Junie finally have gone home.
If it is not for the Adoption Drive ,
I believe that it will take a long time for her to find home.

This family finally adopted her at the end of the adoption drive
while everyone was packing to go home.
I truly hope that they will be patient with her and teach her
properly as she is young and needs guidance.

Busy body Junie looking at Jovy with Mr Qwing
parading MDDB's snuggle blanket.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Junie is Back!

Junie is back.
It looks like the adopter has given up on her.
Poor girl.Humans are so discriminating.
Do I need to curse them for their uncaring nature just because she is not picture perfect?
Innocent Junie was thrown inside my house gate! Luckily she was leashed. She was screaming and jumping back out of the gate chasing the adopter's car when he drove off! Real idiot to threat this poor dog like that.
Even how naughty she is , he could have returned her in a proper way.
He had called to say he wanted me to board her at my house for a few days but I
knew its just a pack of lies when he could dumped her at my place in this manner.
Anyway, Junie is innocent I will try to rehome her.....sigh,sigh... and hopefully train her
to be more discipline.

Junie has a whale of time playing with Lizzy.

Lizzy is no loser. Their play fight created a lot of noise
at home. Its just too noisy. Luckily I have asked Olive to bring
Lizzy home. I cannot handle too many dogs at home!
They are truly noisy.

Monday, September 5, 2011

2 went Home

Finally Mylo went home with Kenny of SS15.
Kenny is a first time dog owner.

Mork went home too.
Mork's eyes looks like little Shahsi.
Little Shahsi is a small dog lover .

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Missions Failed!

She was the first Linda and I saw.
We left a little bit of food spiked with sleeping pills under the platform.
So took it but when the laundry man came to dry their washing,
she ran further and further in..... and vanished in the jungle!

Then mama came out, thinking she was the easiest to catch
we had to stay with her for the drug to take effect and not
wanting her to disappeared in the jungle like White white.
We sat with her patiently.
Each time she wanted to leave we will lure her back with food.
After 3hours and seeing that she was drowsy, we decided to take action.
Shit! she ran away and finally ran into the mini jungle too!
On the way back, Linda was quite worried whether the drugs did harm them.
She decided to check on them and saw White white at the open field
and flopped down under the cloth hanging railing.
I came with hope that I am able to catch her.
Again, we waited and waited.....each time she flopped down ,
I approached her.
She moved further and further and diasppeared....!

Friday, August 26, 2011

They are Back

They are back !
All so big and Mork is no longer the whimpy one.
Hope they will go home soon.

3 more Available

Hazel eyes Mork was very timid initially when she was brought out of the mini jungle.
After a week with human touch, she is actually the big bully of the 3.
Independent Mylo
Hopefully these 2 could be adopted together.
They are the smallest in this 2 litter of puppies.
Molly could be the runt of Mama 1. She was the tiniest of 11 puppies.
These 2 play well together

Thursday, August 25, 2011

3 went home on 21st Aug 2011

On 21st August 2 pups, Mork and Happy were taken home to be fostered
after Lizzy and Polar Bear were adopted I as was thinking
of bringing Creamer for the adoption drive in the afternoon.
Mork was drooling excessively out of fear in the new environment,
very unlike her as I have seen her with Happy running bravely all over the mini jungle. They were the biggest compared to 3 more in the mini jungle.
Creamer appeared to the very bold when Shelly and family came to adopt
and obviously she was chosen with Happy.
Creamer renamed Snow will always nip at Happy renamed Lunar.
Gabriel carrying Lunar.
Vincent patting Lunar
Happy was taken out from the mini jungle for the adoption drive
held on that day.
She was adopted by Kathyrn that evening.
Hopefully all turn well as Kathyrn is a first time dog owner
for such a small puppy

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tobby after castration

Its been 2 days since Li Shian and I let Tobby in the vet.
Have been finding time to visit him.

After 15minutes walk, Tobby wants to go back to the clinic.
He is such a good boy and definitely hope he will find someone
who will appreciate him.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Finally after a month since our path crossed,the Authority has come in.
I still have not found any good owner for him :((
I have no choice but to send him for neutering first to buy some time.

When I arrived that morning, I went looking for him and found him sitting
next to a car parked opposite the flats.
I believed he was happy to see me as I guess to have someone looking
for him gives him the sense of being wanted.
He happily ran over and to Li Shian as she normally feeds him yummies daily.

He dashed over to Li Shian.

We tried to coax him into the cage but being so big we realised we can't do it and
had to seek Diana's brother to help us to carry him in the cage.

In the vet we met skinny Charlie who is to be put to sleep as requested by owner.
We were glad that Dr Goh decided to keep him...Phew!

Tobby trotted hapily in the vet not knowing what he is there for.

Hmmm.. what a tall boy. 54cm and weighs 21.1kg!