Thursday, June 30, 2011


Mama is missing for the pass 2days.....sigh,sigh.
She must have given birth and nursing her puppies...

Must really think of ways to spay her

White white is also pregnant :((.
I was hoping that she is only fat, but I am wrong :((

Haiz.... puppies and puppies again =((.


Poor Kuda looking bored and facing the little window out side his kennel.

Tough boy Kuda turned around when he heard me calling his name.

His bed sore has dried up.
Haiz... its tough been a stray and in a way Kuda is lucky to have met Fen Ying.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kudos to MDDB(Northern)

I have seen Kuda on Facebook but I am very reluctant to see all the pictures posted on him.I guess the more i try to avoid the more God wants me to meet him. After meeting him at the vet, I have overcomed my fear at looking at those horrible patches.

Chua and Fen Ying had transported Kuda to the Gasing Vet all the way from Penang to Kuala Lumpur.Poor Kuda must be very uncomfortable during the whole journey with condition like him in a moving car.

Dr Prem cleaning the surrounding of the open skin and then the wound itself with some medicated solution and tough Kuda never make any noise at all!
With positive vibes will pray that Kuda will recover soon and fast.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Joanie is ready to go home. Just hope that she will find someone who will adores her for what she is. She may not be a beauty but with proper care and good food she will obviously be a good pet.
Joanie watches TV given a chance
Smiling at the camera when she knows that we caught her watching TV.
Back to watching TV again.Hope her new family will allow her to watch TV in future. ;))

Friday, June 17, 2011


Cats and kittens are crossing my path lately. Its not that I dislike them but at this moment I am not a cat person. I know those who are homeless are just as sad as the doggies. I truly those who are cats person will do as much as possible to help them.

To this pair of kitten, I hope you are adopted now eventhough rescuer resorted to surrender both of you to SPCA :((

Mama and kitten were placed at Dr Ben's clinic when they were rescued.I truly hope that someone will come over to take them away. What is rescuer thinking by placing them in a vet? She has no solution when she place there....
The protective mama did not hissed at me when I took her pictures with her kitten.
Christine's cat
Another of Christine's cat
I was asked to bring them home after been spayed at Dr Ben. Just hope they get to roam and not caged up all the time after spaying..

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Never ending Plea

Everyday there are never ending plea for help. We are exhausted. We will obviously help whenever we can. Wish we are super heroes.

Ah Boy, a friendly and gorgeous adult dog, who stays and wanders at an apartment near Segambut where my friend stays, is a stray fed by the kind residents there. Ah Boy has been staying there for nearly 1 year, ever since he was born. he is so loved by the neighbor hood people due to his cheerful and sweet nature. Now Ah Boy has grown up, his existence has attracted some attention. Some unhappy residents sounded their unhappiness. They beat him and even threaten to complaint to the local council. My friend worry that he might be a victim of the dog catcher team. Hence she has sought helped from me to look for a permanent home for him. Ah Boy is very smart and intelligent too. He is used to human touch. We feel that he deserves to stay in a better place. Please help us to pass the message around to help him look for a permanent home!
13 hours ago

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Middie's Progress

Mr Harjit was standing outside the workshop last Friday evening looking inside. I decided to approach him to see what he was looking at and in the meantime feed Middie. Strangely Middie was not barking as he used to when he hear me coming. He slowly walked towards me and ate what I brought him and then when inside to sleep.
Hmm... something not right.
When Mr Harjit told me what had happened on that morning I felt so sorry for him having to stay in such a place.He was lying motionless under a car in the morning and when the workshop man came, he went back inside the workshop to sleep. I thought I saw stitches around his wound and upon checking with the workshop man on Saturday, he told me he self treated him(that's what he will normally do for all his other dogs) and the wound seems ok on Saturday.
Yesterday, Middie was running round outside the workshop when I came. Boy this is not good if his wound would to be healed properly.It was a horrible sight! I could not be at peace the whole night after seeing it.I must do someting. I cannot rely on the workshop's man self remedy

Off he goes to the vet today. I am glad I took him to the vet. Apparently the wound looks like somebody had striked him! Oh dear I hope its not the dog eating people around.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Leo - Every evening

If I want to eat I have to work for my food, nothing comes free for me.
First i have to fetch the spoon, then...
...... my bowl

Chloe will just sit there and wait to be served!!!
Yum,yum, I love my food.
FINISHED!!! Not a single grain of rice left!

Before I sleep I have to wash my paws.
I have to jump up the bath tub while my sister will simply spray the water at me unlike my mum who will wash my paws.
Having some difficulties in jumping up the tub thes days.
Could be my weight problem. Hmmm must go on a diet.

See what she is doing to me?
I have to jumped out after that and on to the floor cloth to wipe my paws.

I prefer to dry myself on the couch.
I will roll from the center..
then on whatever is on the couch....
at the edge.....
back on the other edge....
handrest edge....
almost dry and done!
With my bone I will go to bed BUT my bedroom door is closed.
I suppose I have to wait till they open for me.
Haiz.... why are they taking so long to open the door?
Finally ..... my own bed!
Munch,munch, munch my bone.

ZZZZzzzzzz............ so peaceful.....

Hei! That is not your bed!
Huh? Not my bed?????

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bindi's Progress

Ever since Bindi was sent back to where she is from, she has been very happy But I do get worried each time she takes her time to greet me.The fear that she may be caught by the Council is always on my mind. I hope it will never happen as the number of strays are under control. Happy to say that Bindi is the only female dog on this road and she is spayed! Residents on this road too know that I am the crazy lady who will come every evening to feed her.
Bindi will hide near a big monsoon drain in the afternoon and in the evening

she will come out and the only other friend she will play with is this 5years old spitz.

Lucky boy he has a big home to live in.

They will sniff each other when he comes out to play with Bindi.