Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Never ending Plea

Everyday there are never ending plea for help. We are exhausted. We will obviously help whenever we can. Wish we are super heroes.

Ah Boy, a friendly and gorgeous adult dog, who stays and wanders at an apartment near Segambut where my friend stays, is a stray fed by the kind residents there. Ah Boy has been staying there for nearly 1 year, ever since he was born. he is so loved by the neighbor hood people due to his cheerful and sweet nature. Now Ah Boy has grown up, his existence has attracted some attention. Some unhappy residents sounded their unhappiness. They beat him and even threaten to complaint to the local council. My friend worry that he might be a victim of the dog catcher team. Hence she has sought helped from me to look for a permanent home for him. Ah Boy is very smart and intelligent too. He is used to human touch. We feel that he deserves to stay in a better place. Please help us to pass the message around to help him look for a permanent home!
13 hours ago

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