Thursday, June 2, 2011

Handsome Here We come

Last night as April ad Vivienne was on their way home after visiting Money,Vivienne spotted a dog lying by the side of a road.They approached him and found him emaciated. A pack of rice was quickly bought for him and he finished it. He sure must be hungry.
Vivienne felt that she has seen him before. Browsing through,she found HIM posted as a Found dog in January 2011!

5mths later he is still around the area where he was spotted and his left ear was maggots infected.

With a map provided by Viviene and support form Wendy, I decided to feed Handsome in the afternoon.We spent more than 1 1/2hour looking for him. We were about to give up when Wendy spotted a dog near a car workshop.
He has crossed the road looking for food. We tried to lure him with food brought.Wendy wanted to carry him into the car but refrained as we too afraid he will bite. Even the car workshop worker dared not carry him but a brave young guy came to our rescue.

Handsome in the car and off to the clinic
He was not walking properly and we thought he must have hurt himself being so old looking. The vet found that he actually has deformed legs.

With clean sparkling teeth the vet said that Handsome could be only 3years old!

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