Sunday, June 12, 2011

Leo - Every evening

If I want to eat I have to work for my food, nothing comes free for me.
First i have to fetch the spoon, then...
...... my bowl

Chloe will just sit there and wait to be served!!!
Yum,yum, I love my food.
FINISHED!!! Not a single grain of rice left!

Before I sleep I have to wash my paws.
I have to jump up the bath tub while my sister will simply spray the water at me unlike my mum who will wash my paws.
Having some difficulties in jumping up the tub thes days.
Could be my weight problem. Hmmm must go on a diet.

See what she is doing to me?
I have to jumped out after that and on to the floor cloth to wipe my paws.

I prefer to dry myself on the couch.
I will roll from the center..
then on whatever is on the couch....
at the edge.....
back on the other edge....
handrest edge....
almost dry and done!
With my bone I will go to bed BUT my bedroom door is closed.
I suppose I have to wait till they open for me.
Haiz.... why are they taking so long to open the door?
Finally ..... my own bed!
Munch,munch, munch my bone.

ZZZZzzzzzz............ so peaceful.....

Hei! That is not your bed!
Huh? Not my bed?????

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