Friday, June 17, 2011


Cats and kittens are crossing my path lately. Its not that I dislike them but at this moment I am not a cat person. I know those who are homeless are just as sad as the doggies. I truly those who are cats person will do as much as possible to help them.

To this pair of kitten, I hope you are adopted now eventhough rescuer resorted to surrender both of you to SPCA :((

Mama and kitten were placed at Dr Ben's clinic when they were rescued.I truly hope that someone will come over to take them away. What is rescuer thinking by placing them in a vet? She has no solution when she place there....
The protective mama did not hissed at me when I took her pictures with her kitten.
Christine's cat
Another of Christine's cat
I was asked to bring them home after been spayed at Dr Ben. Just hope they get to roam and not caged up all the time after spaying..

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