Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Middie's Progress

Mr Harjit was standing outside the workshop last Friday evening looking inside. I decided to approach him to see what he was looking at and in the meantime feed Middie. Strangely Middie was not barking as he used to when he hear me coming. He slowly walked towards me and ate what I brought him and then when inside to sleep.
Hmm... something not right.
When Mr Harjit told me what had happened on that morning I felt so sorry for him having to stay in such a place.He was lying motionless under a car in the morning and when the workshop man came, he went back inside the workshop to sleep. I thought I saw stitches around his wound and upon checking with the workshop man on Saturday, he told me he self treated him(that's what he will normally do for all his other dogs) and the wound seems ok on Saturday.
Yesterday, Middie was running round outside the workshop when I came. Boy this is not good if his wound would to be healed properly.It was a horrible sight! I could not be at peace the whole night after seeing it.I must do someting. I cannot rely on the workshop's man self remedy

Off he goes to the vet today. I am glad I took him to the vet. Apparently the wound looks like somebody had striked him! Oh dear I hope its not the dog eating people around.

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