Thursday, March 10, 2011

3rd Batch of Puppy

First batch puppies's mama was pregnant again!
What can I do?
The land they were staying were cleared for development. I don't see any of her puppies around.
One day while feeding them I heard puppies cry...... i looked around and finally saw a tiny white ball behind some bushes by the side of a big monsoon drain. Only One!
I placed her on a higher flat ground and prayed that it will not rain.

One rainy day, I called for mama for the food I brought her.She was no where to be seen, neither was the puppy,Brandy. I decided to leave the food for her and leave.
Feeling unsatisfied, I turned back to look for Brandy again.
I was relieved to see mama lying down under the rain not moving and was moved to find that she is actually shading her puppy from the rain! What a good mama she is.

Mama with Brandy under the bush.
A shade was built for them from rain and sun.

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