Monday, March 28, 2011

Ah Wong the lonely stray

This is Ah Wong.
He is now staying outside the car workshop where Aunty feeds other dogs. He is a loner. I used to feed him too back then when I was not so involved in dog rescue. Since I know that Aunty really cared for him I have stop feeding him.

Ah Wong used to be accompanied by his mum but sadly one day his mum when missing and he was so lost since then. I guess there is no choice for him but to let time heal his loneliness without his mum.


There was actually a litter of 8 . As the puppies grew bigger and unable to foster them, one by one was knocked down by passing cars and 2 went missing. I was the one who buried the one who used to be with Ah Wong when 2 of them strayed off from their mum. I remembered Ah Wong watched me from a far.
His confidence was dented when left alone. I still feed him and one fine day I managed to lured his mum who was all alone back to him. YEAH! I was so happy to see 2 of them together again. Sadly it was short lived. He is all alone again.

One of the puppies.

The missing/dead puppies with their mum back then.

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