Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Unexpected

This poor girl was whining away at the side of the road when Wendy found her at 7am in Brickfields.
Apparently she was knocked down by a car! Haiz... why is this place so unfriendly to these poor animals
Wendy too has began to feel for the unfortunate strays she sees. She had called, crying telling April & I how helpless she was when she saw one with skin problem. My heart goes to her too. WE understand how she feels and how helpless we were too being unable to help all.
TODAY, she DID something!
She has put this whining dog in her car with the help of a young lady and a Security Guard
She felt so scared having done this, she needed somebody to support her for what she had done. Off I went to lend her a shoulder to cry on and stay with her till the vet opens its door.
She gobbled up the kibbles I gave her.
She too looks frightened in the vet.
Well, I told Wendy I have never done this before, rescuing an injured dog and bringing her to the vet, she is really very brave to have done that for a first timer.

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