Thursday, March 31, 2011


Its so heartbreaking to hear this again.
Adopted Mui Mui from the shelter passed away after been returned
Haiz.... whose fault is it?
Are we going to point fingers at everyone that has touched her life?

Me who has suggested of taking her from the shelter?
Shelter was never a good place for a long haired dog. Adopter complained of being unable to handle a young pup they adopted.Mui Mui has always been less active in the shelter, so I thought that Mui Mui will not give this new dog owner any challenging task which will frightened them from giving a chance to one of the dogs from the shelter. I guess decision made was not right.

Shelter personnel who goes along with it for handling Mui Mui over without further doubting them after they returned the puppy.

The Shelter where she might have contacted the fever?

The Adopter who does not have the patience and experience in handling a sick dog?

The previous owner who abandoned her or did not care for her properly?

Herself for being adventurous and strayed off from her house?

Is it God who wants to relief her the pain on this cruel and unfriendly world for animals?
If it is so, I am very glad that it happened and only God knows, and I like to believe in that reason.

Mui Mui Rest In Peace.
I am lucky to have known you but sorry that I did not find you a good home.

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