Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ridiculous But True

This abandoned mama will be first to be fed in the morning, so will her companion who is hiding under the car.

Next will be the pack of dogs who has been shooed to this abandoned school after their home was geared for building huge expensive bungalows.

This is the most ridiculous place to feed. The car workshop's watch dogs!
This Aunty has no choice as she saw that the dogs are not well fed and has resort to straying on the road to look for food! She too took this opportunity to ask them to keep 2 stray dogs she found around the area. Its a Win-win situation .

This poor Rottie is chained 24/7 till the choker chain has eat to her neck. Guess who took her to see the vet? Yes, off course not the owner. Aunty even has to foot the medical bill! When she asked for reimbursement for medical cost, she was asked to take her 2 dogs away!

Its just because Aunty pities a limping dog here, she ended up feeding 2 others around. I would say that the 3 dogs here are well fed and the manager took the trouble to spay the 2 female dogs.

The pack of dogs who will not come out and only she knows they are there. She has managed to dognapped 2 females and I have managed to rehome one of them for her.Her rationale of feeding them is, so that they will not come out to look for food and humans will not attack them.

She will throw the food inside the small jungle.

Ah Ha! This is Mama Hopeful. She is very beautiful. If I were to post her as Labrador Retriever in, my mobile will be jammed with callers. She still needs time before she can be rehomed. Looks like she has given birth.
Good girl, she can be touched and obviously can be taken off the streets( the highway, more like it)

See one hiding behind the bush?

They are staying under this flyover.
Aunty has this fear that they will dash across the road looking for food if she does not feed them.

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